Winning project of the Repte Canòdrom BCN 2016 call, carried out by the Barcelona City Council, Sónar+D and the Peninsula. The idea of Coterrats had was to prioritize the participation of citizens in decision-making processes and co-creation sessions with artists of different languages to carry out cultural events in their own neighbourhoods.
The Coterrats pilot event was designed around the characteristics of the space, its daily dynamics, movements, elements and social configurations. The activities were co-created and voted on by the artists during three co-creation sessions.
Activities performed: Hybrid Swing (music, dance, poetry), Photographed Dance (dance, photography), Artistic Menu (music, dance, poetry, photography, performance), Magic Canòdrom (poetry, artistic intervention), Artistic Career (music, dance , photography), The popular Voice (performance), ImproCartel (music, dance, poetry, performance), The Orchestrated Canòdrom (interactive art, sound art, performance), Audiovisual Concert (sound art, audiovisual art)
Venue: Canòdrom Park Barcelona
Date: 06/08/17
Link for the video: