The Matinals Grades Obertes was a participatory cultural event that  arose after the successful experience of the Coterrats pilot event. The activities were created, managed, produced and carried out by Coterrats, a project of which I was  co-founder, creative director and researcher of social trends.

The activities  were a mix of artistic languages, bringing together artists and the public in collective dynamics of citizen co-creation. Every morning there was dedicated to a theme: Science and Technology, Alternative Sports, Popular Culture and Board Games.

Main activities: Co-Orchestrated Canòdromo Workshop; Artistic Basketball; Casteller Yoga; Live Checkers, the human version of the Checkers game to raise awareness and prevent gender violence.

During the activities, we carried out creative user satisfaction and experience surveys (Coterrats methodology), to highlight the topics indicated by the public for voting in the Decidim Coterrats. Based on the result of the vote, the activities of the following edition  were defined, in the spring of 2018.

Venue: Canòdrom Park Barcelona

Date: 10/21/17 to 11/11/17
Photos: Olga Garcia

Instagram: coterrats