Methodology created by Coterrats for the Barcelona City Council during the Matinals Grades Obertes 2017 research period. With a creative approach and different from the traditional way of conducting surveys, the same artistic language of the event was used, transmitting the same character and emotion. The pollsters personified a character related to the activity of the day and carried out the surveys.
Main objectives:
Identify the degree of satisfaction of neighbors and public present at events in relation to the activities of the Matinals Grades Obertes 2017.
Identify topics of events of interest to those interviewed for voting on the Decidim Coterrats platform and definition of the Matinals Grades Obertes Spring 2018 program.
In addition to creative surveys, online surveys have been conducted. The main result of the report was online voting on the Decidim Coterrats platform to define the Matinals Grades Obertes Spring 2018 program. The topics of the program have been decided democratically with citizen participation.
Venue: Canòdrom Park Barcelona
Date: 10/21/17 to 11/11/17
Photos: Olga Garcia